2013-2014 Catalog now available on Google Catalogs

To access the catalog:
*Download the Google Catalog app (available through iTunes and Google Play).
*Sign in using your Google or Gmail account. If you don't have a Google account, you can create one by tapping the sign up button in the app.
*After you have signed in, search for "Stampin' Up!"by tapping the small magnifying glass icon at the top of the screen.
*Open the catalog by tapping the cover.
*Add the 2013-2014 catalog to your favorites by tapping the small heart icon at the top of the screen. You can also favorite specific pages by tapping the heart icon on that page.
*Subscribe to Stampin' Up! By tapping the small postage stamp icon next to "Stampin' Up!" at the top of the screen. Once you've subscribed, Google Catalogs will notify you every time we publish a new catalog!
Cool Features:
*Browse the catalog with ease on your tablet.
*Get more information, see additional images (beyond what is available in the catalog), and zoom in on your favorite products.
*Watch videos from our YouTube channel and link to more information on our website right inside the app!
Note: Google Catalogs is currently available in the US only and is not supported in Canada at this time. We will test this app in the US and make it available in Canada as soon as Google opens up their product to that market.

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