2nd post today.
This contest is so much fun!! The Retiring Stamp Set List will be posted on April 24th. To participate in the fun, all you have to do is thumb through your catalog and choose 12 stamp sets that you think will be on the retirement list. (hostess sets and mini catalog sets do not count). The person with the most correct sets on their list will WIN!!!
EMAIL your list to me no later than midnight on April 22nd, 2013 and your name will go in the drawing for an any price stamp set (no hostess sets) of your choice. You can choose to redeem your stamp set in May with the current catalog or in June with the new catalog. In the case of a tie, the earliest received entry will be the winner.
The winner will be notified April 24th. All participants will receive a coupon to be used on an order in May placed after May 6th. Good Luck and have fun!!!! Only Customers and Demonstrators on my team are eligible, thanks for understanding. 🙂
Here is a sample with a stamp set that I think might be retiring, Tea Shoppe, however, I have absolutely no insider information. 🙂
If the list is leaked early, the contest ends at that time.
Order your supplies in my Online Store at www.shoppingwithbarb.com.