Designer Series Paper, Embellishment and Ribbon Clubs

With a new catalog comes tons of new products and I know how hard it is to get everyting all at once.  To help ease this for you, I offer product clubs.  I have been doing these for over four years and have never had a complaint so you can purchase from me with confidence.

I will place orders as the shares fill up and sort, cut and package as fast as I can so you can get your products ASAP.

Let's get started

Designer Series Paper


You would have to spend over $300 to get all the paper in the new catalog but if you get in on a paper share with me, you will spend a fraction of that amount. 

Paper Share #1 - includes one 6×6 sheet (one of the sheets is a circle so it won't be 6×6, it will look like a big piece of pie) of all the NEW Designer Series Papers including the Specialty Papers with glossy accents and flocking.  There are 16 themed packs so that is 96 6×6 sheets for you. 

Cost is $28.99 including shipping

Paper Share #2 – includes one 6×6 sheet of double sided paper in 45 colors for a total of 90 sheets. The Paper Stacks are similar to the current level 1 hostess Patterns Pack but in the 12×12 size.  There are two double sided sheets in four patterns for each Stampin' Up! color.

Cost is $17.99 including shipping

Four people are needed per group. 


NEW Ribbon Share:

Chantilly Widestripedmarina Stitchedploypoppy Taffetarazzle 
There are 56 new ribbons in the catalog and you would need to spend nearly $500 to get rolls of all of them.  You will receive one yard of each new ribbon with this share.

1/2" Stitched Poly – 5 colors
1 1/4" Striped – 8 colors
1/4 Grosgrain – 4 colors
5/8" Grosgrain – 8 colors
5/8" Satin – 6 colors
1/8" Taffeta – 13 colors
3/8" Taffeta – 10 colors
Crochet Trim – 2 styles 

$48.99 includes shipping

5 people needed per group


In Color Ribbon Share

You will receive 3 yards of 1/2" Stitched-Poly Ribbon in the five BRAND NEW In Colors for only $12.99.  The price includes the shipping to your door, five people needed per share.

$12.99 includes shipping, local gals $10.99.

Stitchedploypoppy Colors include:

Poppy Parade
Blushing Bride
Peach Parfait
Concord Crush
Pear Pizzazz


1 1/4 Striped Ribbon


Daffodil Delight
Pumpkin Pie
Pretty in PInk
Real Red
Rich Razzleberry
Night of Navy
Marina Mist
Certainly Celery
Old Olive
Early Espresso
Basic Black

1 yard of each color $16.50 includes shipping
2 yards of each color $30.99 includes shipping

1 1/4 Striped Grosgrain

5 people needed per share


NEW Embellishments Share

Deseignerbuttons  Antiquebrads Flowerbrads Vintagetrinkets 

There are a ton of new embellishments in this catalog and a number of the items have been reconfigured and I know you will want a few of everything.

You will receive the following in this share:

8 Paper Daisies – 2 of each size
72 Designer Buttons – 3 of each color
140 Standard Brads – 5 of each color
5 Antique Brads – 1 of each style
12 Vintage Trinkets – 2 of each color of button top brad & safety pin
24 Flower Brads – 1 of every color
It would cost you over $150 to purchase individual packages of all these embellishments.  You will receive over 250 pieces for only $38.97 with my share.

$38.97 includes shipping

Four people needed per group

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