Check the bottom of this post for a fun little contest.
I had my Gift Bags, Gift Card & Money Holders and Gift Tags class yesterday and the girls who could make it had a blast.
Here is Judy really concentrating on her cutting
Melissa and Lynda, they were all smiles
Judy's finished Kraft and Christmas Cocoa designer bags
Melissa's finished Christams Cocoa designer bag, I guess she didn't want to show you her other bag…..LOL!!!
Lynda's finished Kraft and Christmas Cocoa designer bags
Come back tomorrow to see the other projects they made, a gift card holder tin using the Big Shot and a fun medium and the Holiday Lounge Designer Series Paper, a money holder using Lovely as a Tree and two gift tags using the Big Shot with the Two Tags Bigz die and the Merry Embosslit. We made a total of six projects but the Christmas Cocoa designer bag was the most labor intensive. The girls did great and had fun. Thanks so much for coming gals, I loved having you here. 🙂
Contest: Here is a sneak peak at one of the other projects, can you guess what this is made from? Leave me a comment and a random winner will be chosen tomorrow. The winner will receive two of these little goodies!!
Thanks for stopping by!!!
I think it looks like a Fresca can.
Definitely a soda can! So cool!
Sure looks like a can to me used with the die..great idea
Could it be a soda can of some kind? It amazes me what the Big Shot can do. Can’t wait to see what you did with it!
I am going to guess a soda can but not sure just which soda. I would need to go to the grocery store to see them. I have seen some done out of a pepsi can and they are cute, but I really like this one. I haven’t tried this yet. thanks for the sneak peek.
Cheryl Sims
This should be a can, but have really no idea what brand (have to get a ticket to USA first to find out :))
Looks like a soda can!! I want to try it out soon!
for sure a Fresca can
it looks like a can of pop to me
I think it’s a Pepsi can.
Yup, definitely looks like a soda can…. It does kinda look like a Fresca can, but since I can only drink diet stuff, I don’t usually go near anything other than Diet Coke and Diet Mt. Dew. LOL!!!
Great projects – would love to hear your planning and cost for the class! 🙂
‘Tis the Season! Be blessed!
I agree with the gals – a soda can! I love my Big Shot and all the things you can cut with it. I have just begun making fabric pins from die cuts- very cool. thanks for all the wonderful ideas you share!
Hmmmm…you used a soda can. Looks like a Fresca one. hehe!
Isn’t the Bog Shot the best tool EVER! Love it!
Looks like a soda can….not sure which brand/flavor (but not Coke or Pepsi), but that would my guess!
Soda can, but since most are saying this, I will say it’s wax paper.
Would it be a soda can? Perhaps, Fresca! I haven’t tried that yet.
Yes, along with the other gals, I think it’s a soda can as well. I’m not sure what kind as I’m not a huge soda drinker.
Lianne Carper
Fresca soda can! WTG!
big shot snow flake template, the dsp is taped to the ?chip board before running thru the B.S………hope I’m llucky!!
an aluminum pop can with the snow flake big shot die.
I thought maybe too, the Fresca can, but I’ll take it one step further and say I think it is a piece of window sheet with the can attached to it, to add the shine.
It looks like a soda can, but it looks like you have another medium over it, like crystal effects? Can’t wait to see!
A snowflake cut with the Bigz Snowflake die from a Peach Citrus Fresca can. Attached with a Square Rhinestone Brad.
LOVE the big shot…the stuff we can run through it is amaing. My guess is a metal can of some sort. The bags the girls made are so pretty. TFS!
Does indeed look like a Fresca can from the image I pulled up using Google. Although with the 3 dimensionality of it my first thought was a foam plate with a similar pattern on it until I thought I recognized the pattern and opted for the Fresca. The styrofoam plates work well too as long as you use the flat part of it. Any curved sections going through tend to break.
Looks like lots of fun was had at the event.
My guess is designer series paper? Joan Norman
looks great Barb … definitely used a soda/drink can
Well, I was going to say you stamped on aluminum foil and used crystal effects after you die cut but looks like I’m out voted!
It looks like a pop can to me! Or a soda can, I guess, depending on where you live! 🙂
Is it a Mountain Dew Can or Fresca pop can. Sure wish I could have attended your event. Looks like you had a lot of fun.
Looks like your soda can snowflakes. NICE!
My vote is some kind of pop can, a rhinestone brad and the big shot snowflake die. I’ve seen others run pop cans (err soda cans for our US friends), through the big shot, but I haven’t been brave enough to try it in mine yet 🙂
I know it’s a snowflake Die, and probably a soda can, but maybe done with paper on the chipboard, or embossed? Maybe with the Glassy Glaze Enamel? It’s really pretty. I can’t wait to see the details.
Definitely a soda can…I must agree with everyone else here. What a great way to repurpose!
It’s definitely something that has been run through the Big Shot! Since I don’t drink Fresca and don’t know what the cans look like, the other gals may be right, but I’m going to be different and guess it’s from a plastic kitty litter jug…just for fun!
It is beautiful and a must try! The snow flake is made with a soda can!
Looks like a soda can with Diamond Glaze or Crystal Effects on top of it. It will be interesting to see what it really is.
Lea Kimmel
It looks like the snowflake was die cut from a soda can.
I agree with the soda can, and I think it is that special peach Fresca. How creative and beautiful. Amazing what Mr Big can do. I can not wait to see the finished product.
Looks like a soda can to me!
Love that big snowflake out of a Fresca can. What fun! I’d love to try this one out.
I am going to guess one of the drink pouches that kids drink (Capri Sun?). Can’t wait to see what it really is.
It’s a pepsi can how cool is that
Looks like a Fresca can with Crystal Effects to give it dimension.
I knew immediately I saw this it was a soda can, not sure which brand but is a soda can.
cool project. I would love to see what you’re doing! this is a great sneak peek! Iwould guess a soda can as well, alhtought I was thinking trying aluminum foil (heavy duty)
Definitely a pop (soda) can. Not so sure about the fresca. I don’t drink pop, but my first thought was pepsi or diet pepsi. Everyone else seems to think frsca though,so they’re probably right.
I definitely think it is a soda can (like everyone else). I can’t tell you what kind. I usually only drink water or tea. The soda industry isn’t getting rich off of me. Hopefully, this is enough of an answer to win.
aka Roscoe’s mommy
Oh man… I thought I was going to be a great guesser – but when I stroll through the comments, I see I’ve been beat! My guess: a Fresca Can (peach?) put through the Big Shot with the Snowflake die (and square ice rhinestone brad). AWESOME!!!! I really love this idea. 😀 Thank you for sharing!
Since it is definitely not a DR. Pepper can, I couldnt tell you which one, but it has to be Coke Can of some sort.
Like everyone else i will say a soda can! But it does have a shine to it! So maybe you used the window sheet for the snowflake and the die snowflake! I loved the bags! They are so pretty! TFS!
Looks like a soda can! And it’s beautiful too 🙂
Firenze Cards
I’m quite sure it’s a soda can! Great idea for the snowflake , it looks great!
I would guess a soda can as well cut with the big shot snowflake and a rhinestone brad for the center. Cant wait to see what you made this time around.
Definately a soda can of some kind, but i can’t figure out which kind of soda.
My first thought was DSP-covered chipboard. On looking at it closer, it looks like some form of aluminum, perhaps a can. No matter what it’s made of, it’s very pretty.
That looks like a cut out of a snowflake using the BigShot. The design looks like a Fresca can. Looking at the pictures from your class it sure looks like everyone is having fun 🙂
Peach/Citrus fresca run thru the BS with the snowflake template. Just love the idea!
I like the original flavor tho! Thanks for sharing your idea. Looks like the girls had a fun time at class.
Looks like an aluminum soda pop can.. maybe fresca ?