Hooray for Surprises Cards from my FREE Class!

In my FREE Live Stamping Class this week, I focused on the Hooray for Surprises stamp set and dies.
I created three super cute cards with these products and I really like all of them. I cannot decide which is my favorite! 🙂
Would you like to receive a FREE precut cardstock kit so you can create these three cards too? Place a minimum $35 (mdse total) order in my Online Store with my Current Host Code by the deadline and I will send you the kit. Deadline to receive this kit is midnight, Wednesday, August 14th, 2024.
Here are the Rewards for you when you shop with me and use Host Code 7FFTRXNU:
**Order $35 – Precut Cardstock Kit w/PDF for today’s projects through 8-14-24
**Order $50 – Precut Cardstock Kit w/PDF for today’s projects PLUS my Global Creative Project Tutorial PDF
**Order $75 – Precut Cardstock Kit w/PDF for today’s projects PLUS my Global Creative Project Tutorial PDF PLUS a package of Embellishments.

You will need the Hooray for Surprises Stamp Set #162851 and the Hooray for Surprises Dies #162857 to complete the cards as I have designed them. Place your order with my Current Host Code via THIS LINK

Get a kit to make all three cards when you place a minimum $35 mdse order in my store at www.shoppingwithbarb.com and use my HOST CODE 7FFTRXNU (Host code must be used on all orders under $150 to receive the kit) The photo below shows you where to add the Host Code while you are placing your order. If you forget to use the Host Code, I can help you get it added.

You can watch me make these amazing cards in my August 1, 2024 Thursday night LIVE. All PDF Files for these weekly classes can be found on Stamp Happy Academy website when you are a Basic or Premium subscriber. www.stamphappyacademy.ning.com

Product List

Did you earn Bonus Days Coupons during July? It’s now time to redeem them and save on your next order!
*Check your emails to make sure you have all of your coupon codes. You received code(s) via email after any orders that were submitted between July 3rd and 31st.
*Redeem them on any product order this month, including clearance rack items, online exclusives, kits collection, pre-paid Paper Pumpkin subscriptions or sale items (coupons cannot be applied to Starter Kits or month-to-month Paper Pumpkin subscriptions).
*Coupon Codes can only be used once, but there is no limit to the number of coupon codes you can redeem on an individual order, or during August overall. Simply copy and paste the coupon code into the box provided on the cart page of my online store to redeem it on that order.
*If you prefer, I am happy to place your order for you.
*Click to shop my online store and redeem your Bonus Days Coupons. You can redeem any coupon code you earned in July with me in August no matter who you may have shopped with!
*Remember that coupon codes will reduce your merchandise total so keep that in mind when you are ordering for my special perks or an order to earn Host Rewards.  Coupon codes expire August 31, 2024!

Changing Leaves Online Class – six amazing cards and the kits are ready to ship. All cards have video & written tutorials.
Cardstock/supply kit will include all the precut cardstock pieces, emailed PDF File, some Gold Mercury Specialty Vellum, some Neutrals Sequins some Gold/Silver Trim and shipping to you. $49 
Online Only includes the emailed PDF File. $20
Whole Shebang – EVERYTHING!  Check it all out HERE

ICONIC IMAGERY Online Class – six amazing cards with videos & written tutorials.
Register for all options HERE
Cardstock/supply kit will include all the precut cardstock pieces, emailed PDF File, some Iconic Celebrations DSP, some White Frayed Ribbon, some Linen Thread, some Pecan Pie and Clear Gems and shipping to you. $49 
Online Only includes the emailed PDF File. $20
Whole Shebang $89- Complete Suite and Linen Thread! 

Join Stamp Happy Academy for access to four Online Classes each month and three LIVE classes each month!

Shop all the Global Tutorials….

Shop: My PDF Tutorials & Class Kits
Shop: My Retired Items and Mystery Boxes
Global Creative Project Tutorial Bundle Earn it FREE or Purchase it HERE !!
Join my Team! Our $99 Discount Shopper Kit is the BEST value!
Order your supplies in my store at www.shoppingwithbarb.com
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