More SAS class photos

Here are the pictures of the girls diligently working on their cards.  I appreciate all the help setting up and cleaning up…thanks!!!


Here we have Angela, JoAnn, Mandy and Lisa practicing their watercoloring skills and they look so serious too!!!


Rhonda, Maryellen and Lynette are sure having a good time, they took my sample and ran with it…..GREAT JOB GIRLS!!!


Lisa, Vickie and Shelta stopped chatting long enough for me to take this photo, just kidding!!!!……. thanks girls. {grin}


Here we have Lisa, Virginia, Vesta, Angela and JoAnn watercoloring.  It was fun checking out what everyone put in the back of the truck and Jennifer (standing in the background, where were you when I was taking all the picutres!!!) even had her dogs driving!!!!


Here are Missi and Julia smiling for me, Missi is the super stamper, she finished first….go Missi!!!!!

Thanks so much girls for a really fun day, I look forward to seeing you soon!!! 

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