My Birthday Special!!

Today is my birthday and I am 40 something. :-)  I don't have too much time to celebrate this year as I just moved into a new home and am frantically getting ready for our two week vacation at the end of the week.

My Birthday Special is pretty simple.  I will give you a 20% e-gift certificate to be used by October 31, 2009 for all orders placed via MY WEBSITE today.  For example, place a $50 order and I will e-mail you a gift certificate for $10, it is really that simple.

All orders must be placed via MY WEBSITE today by 11:59pm to qualify for the e-gift certificate.

Happy Shoppin' to you!!!!


10 thoughts on “My Birthday Special!!”

  1. Here I was thinking it was really the 20th and you had another day…but, it’s after midnight! Where does the time go?? Happy, happy birthday, Barb. Mary JO

  2. Happy Birthday! Hope you can find some time during the frantic unpacking the house and packing for vacation to enjoy yourself. We certainly miss you guys as neighbors. Enjoy your day.

  3. Happy Birthday. I am in the 40 something club as well, but only for a few more years. By the time I am eligible to join AARP my baby will be only 8. Keeps me young.


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