TUTORIAL – Creating a pouch for Note Cards

I have had this idea swimming around in my head for a few weeks and when I received my NEW Bella Rose Designer Series Paper (available for you to purchase in August), I knew it would be perfect for this.  I wanted to create some sort of pouch/holder for our 3 1/2 x 5 Note Cards and Envelopes shown on page 167.  This is what I came up with!!


13finishedholder  12cardsinholer

Start with a 6×12 piece of Bella Rose paper, score it at 1/4, 4 1/4, 4 1/2, 8 3/4, 9 and 11 1/2.  Fold all score lines and crease with your Bone Folder.


Add Sticky Strip to the edges


Fold these over and adhere for stability on the edges


Take four of our Whisper White medium envelopes (4 1/2 x 5 3/4).  Seal them shut and trim 1/4" off the opposite end.  Add Sticky Strip to the open end of each of them (this is the edge that you just cut off).  One envelope needs the Sticky Strip of both sides of the open end however, you cannot see both sides of the envelope in the picture. 🙂


Remove the Sticky Strip from all four and glue them together.  You can now see my fourth envelope has the Sticky Strip on the other side as well, don't remove this last strip just yet.


Lay the envelope group sticky adhesive side down on the 1/4" folded edge taking care to center it.  Press to adhere.  Remove the last protective layer from the Sticky Strip and fold this section over to meet the pouch where shown in the photo.

5envelopes in   

Here is a photo of the envelopes adhered inside the pouch.

5envelopes in2

Take a 10 1/2 x 2 strip of a coordinating pattern to make a belly band.  Apply SNAIL to the spots shown in the photo and press to seal.


I created a scalloped edge by using the NEW Scallop edge punch by Stampin' Up!.  It will be available for purchase in August.  You can also do this by using your corner rounder, I have a brief tutorial on this HERE  I added a strip of Riding Hood Red over my Kiwi Kiss scalloped edge.  I used the set called Lovely Labels for the thank you circle and added a 1 3/8" circle in Kiwi Kiss and a Scallop punched in Riding Hood Red for my decorative element


Here is a group shot of the finished cards


I dyed my Vanilla Taffeta Ribbon by pressing it into my Riding Hood Red and Kiwi Kiss ink pads using a sponge duaber.


To assemble the cards, gather these supplies:

4 –  Note Cards with envelopes

2 - 3 1/4 x 4 3/4 pieces of Riding Hood Red card stock

2 – 3 1/4 x 4 3/4 pieces of Kiwi Kiss card stock

4  – 3 x 4 1/2 pieces of coordinating Bella Rose Designer Series Paper.

4 – 8" pieces of dyed Vanilla Taffeta Ribbon


Here are close ups of the four cards, this paper is just wonderful!!!!








and the finished pouch


Have fun making this, it is a wonderful gift!!!  I will probably be holding a class on this sometime in September, stay tuned!!!

16 thoughts on “TUTORIAL – Creating a pouch for Note Cards”

  1. LOVE IT!!!! And I’m not normally a flower kind of person, but this is great. Thanks for the tutorial on how to make this. What a great project. I want my new catalog now!

  2. Barb–This looks like fun; and you scooped two of the new colors cuz Kiwi Kiss and Robin Hood Red have not been in my Stampin’ Up vocabulary. Looking forward to the new catalog but ready to try this sooner.~MJ

  3. Thanks so much for the tutorial. I demonstrated it at a stamp camp last night and it was a huge hit. I used the new In Colors-Baja, Pacific & Kiwi with the Muirfield DP and Dreams de Jour. Everyone was so excited to make one and impressed with the ease of it.


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