Stamp-A-Stack class was yesterday (Saturday). I had a total of 23 gals signed up. Four couldn’t make it but they will still get their stamped images courtesy of Denise, Sonya, Teri and Melissa….we missed you Pat, Tara, Lynn and Kathy!!
The gals each stamped 12 cards had a lot of fun….I know I had a blast!! Here are photos of everyone in action (well almost everyone, where is Teri?) and some of their creations. I will post my card samples tomorrow.
Here we have Denise and Sonya embossing with Mandy applying the Bead Duos to her Tart & Tangy cards.
Sonya’s Tart & Tangy cards
Melissa, Shelta, Vickie and Lisa covered with Dazzling Diamonds glitter. How do you look Lisa?? {wink}
JoAnn, Missi and Mandy wanted to look busy and they sure do!!
Here are Mandy’s Tart & Tangy cards.
Here we have Leah, Gloria, Donna and Mary feverishly doing the crayon resist technique!!! Where is TERI???
Teri’s Crab & Company crayon resist.
Lastly, here are my beauty queens (Tracey, Angela, Vesta, Wendy & Roseanne), there was ALOT of primping going on before I could snap this photo….LOL!!
Some of the gals took my ideas and ran with them, following are pictures of their creations.
Mandy’s Wanted cards
Missi’s Wanted cards
Sonya’s Wanted cards
Sonya’s Crab & Company cards
Thanks to you all, I have so much fun at these events, I am already planning the next one.
Looks like everyone is having fun! All this talent at one table! Loved the outcome!