Techniques Class!!

I had techniques classes last night and this afternoon, what fun we had!!  If you haven't signed up to take one of my technique classes, you must, we learn some really nifty techniques.  Check out my class calendar link to the left for a list of my upcoming classes.  Here are the two techniques that we did this round.


This is the fossil stone technique, very cool!!  I CASE'd this card from LeeAnn Greff, and it uses the With Gratitude set and the Photo Corner Punch for the detail in the upper left corner.


This one is called split negative and uses the grouping of trees in the Lovely as a Tree set.  I love black, white and red together but I decided to add some Basic Gray and that did the trick.  Add the Sanded background stamp, and this is the perfect card for those hard to stamp for people….MEN!!!  It was inspired by my friend Tammy Fite, thanks Tammy!!!!

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